Friday, December 12, 2008

18 months

Hadley is officially 18 months, as of yesterday. We went today for her check-up and she checked out A-OK! She was in the 90% for both height and weight and she's got a big 'ol noggin in the 97%! She weighed in at 27 lbs 10 oz. and is 33 inches tall. She's saying lots of words now including mommy, daddy, bubby (Drake), Hadley, pretty, bye-bye, "NO!", mine, papa, nanny, puppy, kitty, blue, purple, Elmo, go, see, "NO!", baby, toes, yummy, apple, Bible, pray, Joel, "NO!", gus-gus (when she wants to watch Cinderella), juice, please, more, ta-da, "NO!", yeah (for yes), pillow, nigh-night, and Wall-E. There might be a few more I can't think of off the top of my head.


Unknown said...

They are so cute!!! We really miss you guys.

Kara said...

What gorgeous kids! Can't wait to see you next week.