Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

Unbelievably, my little boy started school today! It was a tough day, for me at least. Drake loved it! We started our morning at home with pancakes and a new devotion book that we got Drake. Grammy was here too, because she was watching Hadley today while I started a new job (I'll get to explaining that later..). So, we all caravanned over to the school to get Drake settled in his new school. The classroom was quite congested with 27 students and LOTS of parents, so after 15 minutes of helping Drake get his supplies put away and he was busy playing at a table, I quickly told him goodbye so I wouldn't have the chance to lose my composure. Gabe stayed at the school to attend the parent meeting in the library and I headed off to my first day of work. At the parent meeting, the local news station showed up wanting to do a story on the importance of a father figure in kids' lives at school. So, Gabe and Drake got to have some footage shot of them at the school together and we're hoping to catch it on the local news this evening! Gabe also picked up Drake today. When Gabe asked him how his day was Drake replied, "It was great...but, I didn't learn how to read today." He is so excited to learn how to read this year! I am a little (okay, a lot) nervous about how well Drake will be able to handle Kindergarten being such a young 5 year old and with the sensory issues he deals with. We're praying really hard for a great year!
Okay, so the scoop on this new job for me: A few weeks ago I was at the dentist getting some work done and my dentist offered me a job. Crazy, huh?! That's what I thought! But, it's only one day a week and I had been looking for something to help me pull a little more weight with our financial responsibilities. So, Grammy is going to be coming to watch Hadley and I'm trying to learn the ropes of assisting an endodontist (a dentist that does things like root canals, extractions, implants, etc...). On my first day, I assisted with 5 extractions and a root canal. I have lots to learn but medical stuff has always been fascinating to me and I kind of enjoy that gross kind of stuff. It does kind of make me sad to be working again. I love staying home with the kids, but only one day a week isn't too bad so I'm hoping I can get into the swing of it, without feeling too bad about missing out on things like picking up Drake from his first day of school.


Tim and Liz Casey said...

Wow! A lot of change your way! I'll be praying for you guys as Drake starts this new adventure (and you too!) You are a fabulous mom and I admire you!

Jacki said...

That is totally up your alley, Lori! I remember how you used to love to sit and watch a Baby Story and not even skip the birth part or even worse, that Birth show. Yuck. You're going to be great!

We'll be praying for Draker, too.