Thursday, September 24, 2009


It just seems to be zooming right along these days. I am happy to report that Kindergarten is going very well! Drake is loving it and even talked me into letting him ride the bus home from school. I'm sure there will be occasional days of picking him up but he loves riding it, it's only a 15 minute ride and it saves me from waking up Hadley from her nap everyday to get him. Drake is absolutely loving learning at school and tries to sound out words all the time. I think our days of spelling things without him figuring it out are soon coming to an end. Drake is also still really enjoying being outside. He loves riding his bike and scooter and jumping on the trampoline. He still has a very vivid imagination and can entertain himself for hours with a few simple props.

Hadley is doing well, has a bit of a cold this week or teeth coming in or something because she's had a runny nose and has been on the crabby side but she's talking ALL the time, usually in sentences and always refers to herself in third person. She also DOES NOT like to be called any nicknames such as sweetie, honey, babe, etc... She is quick to correct you if you call her one of these names, "NO Hadley honey, name's Hadley!" We had to have a talk the other evening about not talking so rudely when correcting people of her name. So, at bedtime that night, I accidently said, "Good night honey" and she responded with, "Oops, Mommy, not honey, Hadley." A much more polite correction than I have heard before so I guess she does listen to me. She is also very good at asserting her independence and stubbornness. Last weekend, she and I had about a 30 minute battle of the wills over turning off the TV, so after lots of time in her room and a couple of swats, she finally gave in and obeyed. I'm afraid she might have gotten this from me. But, watch out girl because your mom will not give in- she's met her match. Hadley is doing GREAT with her big girl bed too. She usually goes to bed around 8 or 8:30, and gets up around the same time the next morning. The first night she got up once, received her punishment, and has not done it again since. ( I think we learned with Drake to nip it in the bud early or it can become a chronic problem.) Now, she goes down without ever getting up and calls us to come get her in the morning and at naps. Potty training is going so-so. We'll have a great week of very few accidents and then have a day where every time I turn around she's peeing her pants. I'm getting quite tired of this stage. So far, the theory of "girls are easier" has not played out in our house. Drake potty trained much faster and earlier than she has. Here is a picture of Hadley doing one of her favorite things: watercolors!

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