Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall, flu, and fun

Well, in the midst of sickness, we managed to get outside and rake up a few leaves. The kids had fun trying to help rake, but mostly jumping in and throwing the leaves.
Drake started running a fever Thursday morning and it continued Friday and climbed to 103* so we made a quick trip to the doctor's office. They swabbed him for flu, but it was negative so it's just a virus and has to run its course. Well, Saturday morning he was still running about 100* but by the afternoon he was feeling much better and hasn't run a fever since. All day Saturday, Hadley kept telling me she was cold. Just before bed I checked her temp and she had 100*. So, it starts again. It's now Wednesday and Hadley (I think) is finally getting over it. She continued to run 100*-102* up until last night. This morning when she first woke up it was still 100* but now is only about 99.4*, so we're moving in the right direction. After her nap will be the test, since it seems to spike everyday in the afternoon. So, needless to say, our plans for the week have been contained to mostly sitting on the couch. Hadley really only complained the whole time about being cold and wanted me either holding her or holding her hand while she was wrapped up in blankets. I haven't seen her sit so quietly for a long time. This morning she was back to pretending in the bathtub, so that's a good sign. She had Drake's dinosaurs and we had a long role play with the daddy, mommy and baby dinosaur. It went something like this:
H (baby dinosaur): Hi mommy dinosaur.
me (mommy dinosaur): Hi baby dinosaur
H: do you want some chicken, it's here on my tail.
me: yes, thank you (gobbling up the chicken on her tail)
H: Mommy dinosaur, do you want to go to a restaurant?
me: that would be great
H: okay, let's go (pretend walking on the side of the tub)
H: here's some apples, broccoli, chicken, they're on my tail.
me: (pretending to eat the food)
H: NO, not there, here!
Apparently, I was not pretending to eat the pretend food on the correct place on her tail. I like playing pretend and all, but man, she's bossy. I'm hoping that at least means she's getting back to her old self, with some additional snot explosion sneezes. We're supposed to be heading south tomorrow to visit my sister and family, so hopefully we really are on the mend. Can't wait to post pics of the kids all dressed up for Halloween!

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