Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today, Drake had his regular six month cleaning. He did great, as usual. He hopped right up in the chair and chose his favorite chocolate chip cookie dough toothpaste for the cleaning. The hygienist asked him if he had any loose teeth, to which he responded, "no". Then, as soon as she started cleaning his teeth, she told him he did have loose teeth- FOUR in fact. His top two front teeth are loose as well as his bottom two front teeth. He will look SO different when he loses those! He just might need to be asking for his two front teeth for Christmas this year- wow. Don't know if I'm ready for this.
While at the dentist and watching Drake get his teeth cleaned, Hadley kept asking when it was her turn. So, when Drake was done, she hopped right up in the chair and the hygienist asked her if she wanted her teeth cleaned. She said, "YES!". So, she sat perfectly still with her mouth open the whole time she got her teeth cleaned with, of course, cookie dough tooth paste too. Afterwards, the kids got their usual new toothbrushes, paste and a prize from the prize box. Then, the dentist came in to check out their teeth. They both got a good report on well taken care of teeth. However, the dentist did tell me it is time to give up the paci as it is starting to show it's wear on her little teeth...sigh. (And just for the record, for months now she has only had it at bedtime.) I knew the day was coming but now I'm really feeling the pressure. Just another sign that my little girl is not a baby anymore.

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