Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas, take 4

Yesterday we welcomed all the Ruts to our house. We ate a yummy, but spicy, dinner of Italian Beef sandwiches, cheesy potatoes, and green beans. After dinner we let the kids rip into their presents. Hadley was enamored with all of her new "princess" dress up clothes and dolls. Joel got his own wardrobe of dress up clothes and Drake got a space themed present, including an astronaut helmet, a rocket, freeze dried ice cream and books that HE can read. (Side note: reading is going very well for Drake in Kindergarten!) Once we finally got the kids settled down and tucked into bed and most of the grown-ups (minus Papa) made it past midnight to ring in the new year with some sparkling cider and talking.

The next morning we ate some coffee cake and cherry cheese ring for breakfast and stayed in our jammies most of the morning. The boys made it out for a quick jaunt to the park to try out Drake's new rocket in the afternoon, but didn't last long with the FRIGID temperatures outside. They all came home with bright pink noses.

After chicken nachos for dinner we let the kids attempt decorating a gingerbread house. It wouldn't win any decorating awards, but they had fun doing it and by the looks of it, it must have tasted pretty good too.

(pictures to come...)

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