Saturday, February 6, 2010


Gabe and I started FPU in January on Sunday evenings. FPU is Financial Peace University, a Dave Ramsey financial course on dealing with finances, budgeting, getting out of debt, etc... It has been an overall positive experience, but has also caused some stress as well. I was afraid going into the class that I would feel the need to go back to work once we started it. I really didn't want to go back to work (at least not more than I am working now) and for that reason I had a lot of dread and anxiety about starting the class. Well, I'm happy (thrilled, really) to say that while I have picked up a few more hours a the dentist office, we have been able to arrange our budget in a way that (barring any major emergencies) we should be well on our way to knocking out a large portion of debt by the end of the year. (Dave advocates being DEBT FREE, except for your house.) We won't quite be at that point for a couple of years, but we are looking forward to the rewards of being good stewards with our money, even if it hurts a lot right now! God has already shown us the blessings that come with being disciplined in this area and we look forward to the day when we, in turn, can bless others.

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