Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Baby #3, 20 weeks

Well, today marks the 1/2 way point through this pregnancy. Feeling the little bug moving around a lot more now. Gabe got to feel him/her move for the first time last week. Such a cool feeling. This morning we headed to the doc for our 20 week appointment. Both kids went with us, since my appointment started at 8:30 and Drake really wanted to watch the ultrasound. We got in pretty quickly and watched the little babe squirming his/her little hands and feet around. Thankfully, the placenta has adjusted it's position correctly away from the cervix so that was terrific news! The placenta is anterior, meaning laying across the front of my belly instead of at the top, so that's why it took a little longer to feel movement this time around. There is a really cute picture of the baby's hand, looking like it is shooting a gun (as Drake pointed out).

We decided not to find out the gender this time. I must admit it was tempting today as we were sitting in the little room, knowing it would only take a quick peak and we could know, but I was able to resist. I will say that it would make name selection a lot easier if we knew we only had to decide on one gender's name. We are no where close to deciding on a name, for either gender. We will get to have another ultrasound next month as well because the baby was not laying in a cooperating position to get a couple of the measurements that they needed, so we will try again next time. And hopefully get to see his/her profile next time since the babe was laying head down with it's face pointing towards my back so we couldn't get a good look at the profile. Here are a couple of other shots of the little peanut, who is weighing in at 13 ounces at the current time. In other stat news, I have gained 5 lbs now and blood pressure is nice and low. So far, I have been very blessed with great pregnancies!

The picture on the left shows part of the baby's face, an arm up beside the face, and the round part to the left of the face is the baby's torso. The picture on the right is upside down, but a picture of a foot.

1 comment:

Tim and Liz Casey said...

Yay! So excited for you guys and can't wait to meet him or her (you have so much more willpower than we did!) :-)