Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kindergarten Awards Day

This morning, Hadley and I headed over to school to watch the Awards Program. Drake managed to get all 4 awards that were possible for the Kindergartners to receive. He received the Good Citizenship Award for the 4th quarter and also the Good Citizenship Award for receiving it all 4 quarters throughout the year! He got an award (and free ticket to Six Flags) for getting the recommended number of minutes of reading in for the spring and he received his "diploma" from Kindergarten. This year has been such a blessing for him and us. He has matured more than I could have imagined and has learned an amazing amount of information, not to mention he has also lost a total of FOUR teeth now too!

1 comment:

Jacki said...

Tell Drake we're SO proud of him! That is so great! Looking forward to seeing you guys early next month.