Friday, July 1, 2011

10 months

Grady is B U S Y! He loves playing peek-a-boo and loves his puppy that he sleeps with. He is still very fond of his paci as well. He's starting to eat a little more table food, but still mostly baby food. I'm still nursing 1-2 times a day and he's taking formula the other times. He's been loving going to the pool this summer and can be quite the daredevil in the water (and on land for that matter: he has the goose-eggs and bruises to prove it!). He's started taking 3-4 steps at a time but prefers his super speed crawling to get where he wants to go. He is just starting signing "all done" when prompted but won't do it on his own yet. He also says "more" which sounds like "ma" and says "ball" frequently. He is generally a fairly easy going kid and puts up with a lot of toting around thanks to his big brother.

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