Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My big man turned one! He is walking all over the place! He is so busy and loves to be outside and watching animals. He is weighing in at around 28lbs now and almost 31 inches. He's starting to lose a little hair (which seems odd for 12 months!) and it's starting to look a lot thinner. He's not bald by any means but doesn't have nearly the mop of hair he used to. He's starting to talk more every day. He's babbling with such inflection it sounds like he is talking. He says mama, dada, ball, bye-bye (sometimes) and will answer the question "what does a dog say?" with "woof, woof". He's getting quite a little funny personality too. He giggles and giggles nearly every time I lay him in his bed. He's signing "please" all the time, mostly when he wants food or something anyone has that he wants. He's also starting to learn the art of fit-throwing already. He has been seen throwing himself to the ground a time or two (or three...) when he doesn't get what he wants. He's still taking two great naps a day, about 1 1/2-2 hours each. We've gone to all sippy cups during the day with only a nighttime bottle. (For some reason taking it away from him seems to be the hardest of any of the kids!) Happy Birthday little man!

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