Saturday, October 4, 2008

What a difference a year makes!

Here are some fun pictures from our trip to the pumpkin patch yesterday. I also put in some similar pictures from last year to show you just how big of a difference a year makes...
(the pictures on the left are from last year!)

We've had a few life changes in the past year, just to recap:
-Hadley learned to crawl, stand and walk
-Hadley learned to talk, with her word count growing every day
-Hadley had her 1st birthday
-Drake finished his first year of preschool and has started his second
-Drake has learned to swim
-Drake celebrated his 4th birthday
-We left our jobs, sold our home and said good-bye to many terrific friends in Mattoon
-We bought a new home, started new jobs and have been introduced to many terrific friends in Springfield
-My dad got to go to heaven

What a difference a year makes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has been quite a year for you guys! I still can't believe how big Hadley is getting. I love the new pics!!!