Thursday, August 20, 2009

Springfield Has Its Perks

One of those is being the home of the State Fair. We met several other couples from our small group to take it in. We took part in some scrumptious and ever-so-healthy fair food and introduced the kids to the carni world through the ridiculously expensive fair rides. Drake had a big decision to make. He had to choose between a really cool jumpy ride which would take all his money or tickets for two of the other rides. He decided on the big jumping ride. Here is some footage from the experience.

So, after Drake got done jumping away, Hadley got to have her turn on the rides. She rode with another little boy from our small group. They had a blast riding the boats and the helicopeters and each time it stopped Hadley would say, "MORE AGAIN!!"

She was not too happy about being done but we left the rides with the intentions of heading to the barns to check out some animals and then on to some dessert- a funnel cake and lemonade shake-up. Yum.

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