Sunday, October 18, 2009

Great Date

Have I mentioned lately how proud I am of Drake with school? He is doing so much better than I had anticipated. I think a lot of that has to do with having a great teacher who is very structured, which is just what he thrives on. She is also great at transitioning, another VERY important thing for him. It has made life at home so great as well. He has handled almost everything better since starting school. My little boy is growing up so much.
Tonight, he and I went on a date to Starbucks (thanks to a gift card!). He decided he wanted his own decaf caramel latte, a boy after my own heart. He and I had a very civilized evening sipping our lattes, reading his library book, going over his poetry from the week and talking about some of his favorite things at school. I also shared with him how proud I am of him for doing such a great job at school. I saw his dimples shine through many times throughout the date. Dates with her son, does a mother's heart good.

We've come a l o n g way, baby.

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