Monday, December 27, 2010

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Our Christmas started out a little rocky with Drake starting to run a fever of 100-104* for a few days. Finally, on Christmas Eve he seemed to have kicked the worst of it with a lingering cough and cold. Then, Hadley started in that evening. Luckily, we had celebrated Christmas with Nana and Papa that morning at our house, so they stayed so I could enjoy the Christmas Eve service at church and they could stay home with the sickies.

Christmas Day we headed over to the Lodge to celebrate with the Rutledge clan. ( I keep forgetting to download those pictures so I'll have to post those soon!) Hadley was a little pitiful and pretty much just laid on the couch or floor all day. Drake's legs started aching that morning and he was limping around all day. This happened after the last time he was sick too so we're not sure if it's related to the virus he had or being dehydrated while he was sick. Sunday morning the kids and I had to miss church because Hadley was still running a fever and we had to postpone the Farwell Christmas that was supposed to happen that night so she wouldn't get any of the other kids sick. Finally Monday afternoon, we made it to Lincoln and we celebrated Christmas with our big meal that everyone pitched in to make and then let the kids tear into the presents. Seven children 6 and under made for an entertaining evening!

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