Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dirt and Makeup

Drake had his first baseball game tonight. It was slightly emotional as he tries to learn the rules of the game. I think throwing a bunch of little kids on a field to play a game that they don't really understand would be kind of like us going to a foreign country and being expected to play a game in which we didn't know all the rules. It was very comical watching how much the kids played in the dirt, kicked the dirt, filled their gloves with dirt, threw the dirt, watched the ball roll on by in the dirt. The dirt was obviously very entertaining! While the boys and girls on the teams played away in the dirt, Hadley couldn't be less interested in the dirt and more interested in Nana's makeup. Hadley sat contently with Nana and tried on all of the different kinds of makeup she had in her purse. Oh, the difference in my children! :)

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