Sunday, May 17, 2009

Letter Mania

One of Hadley's favorite things to do right now is try to spell things. Mostly she just spells things "Y-E-O" because apparently those are the letters that stick out most to her. I got these fun letters at a garage sale and they have proven to be hours of entertainment! She likes for me to spell all of our names and then she will find the letters and lay them all out. She also likes finding the first letters of all of our family. The other day, she and I were looking at a book that had blocks in it. I asked her what letters were on the blocks and to my amazement, she told me correctly. So, we have been working on letters a little everyday and she's been getting pretty good at naming a lot of them. It's also really fun listening to her vocabulary and sentence structure expand a little more everyday. As the big two year old birthday (sniff..sniff) approaches she is learning more everyday!
**When we're on the last letter, she makes the comment, "other way", and it took me a few seconds to realize she was telling me that I was holding the J backwards to her- smarty pants!**

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