Saturday, July 11, 2009


Driving home from Lincoln today, this is what I hear:

(Drake's heavy breathing as he falls asleep as soon as we're on the interstate)
Hadley: Mommy, want popcorn?
Me: Sure.
Hadley: Okay, catch.(throwing motion to the front seat)
Me. Thanks
Hadley: More popcorn?
Me: No thanks.
Hadley: Okay, feed cows popcorn. (throwing motion out the window)
Hadley: constant talking and talking talking....(to the cows, about the popcorn, stirring the popcorn, etc, etc...)
Hadley: MOMMY, HEAR ME??
Me: Yes, I hear you.
Hadley: More, talking, talking, talking...
Hadley: MOMMY, HEAR ME??
Me: Yes, Hadley, I can hear you.
Hadley: More popcorn?
Me: Sure, I'll take more popcorn. Can I have a latte too?
Hadley: No, no latte. More popcorn.
I think this conversation repeated itself about 20 times over the 45 minute drive...
(Meanwhile Drake sleeps like a rock the whole trip home while jabbermouth talked the WHOLE way home, and not just talked, but had to make sure I was listening to everything she was saying.)

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