Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summertime Bliss

Hopefully, I will still be thinking that in August... Today was Drake's last day of Kindergarten. I can't believe that in a few short months we will have a FIRST grader! His year of Kindergarten far exceeded my expectations of what the year would hold. He is reading amazingly well, loves to figure out addition and subtraction facts, is writing multiple pages in complete sentences in his journal and is very proud to tell time on his watch that Grammy got him.

Today, while Drake went for report card day, Hadley and I ran to the dollar store so we could surprise him with some balloons and some new first grade workbooks to work on over the summer. Then, Hadley and I headed into the dentist office for our cleanings before we went to meet Drake at home as he got off the bus. (Hadley did amazingly well at the dentist once again, she even got her teeth cleaned in the next room by herself while I got my cleaned and I could hear her being oh so cooperative. I just love it when my kids make me proud!)

Drake was all toothless smiles when he got home and saw the balloons and new workbooks. Then, we decided since the weather looked to be warranting a trip to the pool, we ate our peanut butter sandwiches and fruit and headed to the pool by noon. The kids were a dream at the water park. They patiently took turns and waited on each other to try out the amenities for their different age groups. Then, when it was time to go there was complete cooperation by both kids, unbelievable! I can only hope the rest of our summer days at the pool go so well!

When we got home they each went to their rooms, Hadley fell asleep right away and took a glorious 2 hour nap before I woke her. Drake worked quietly on his workbooks for awhile in his bed before he also fell asleep for about an hour before I woke him. Then, this evening was capped off with some dinner at home before heading out to Drake's baseball game where I made no less than 5 trips to the potty with Hadley. (Thankfully, I had put the potty chair in the back of the car because otherwise we would have been trekking to the port-a-potty way TOO many times.) Other than going potty, she played quietly with a pet kitty almost the entire game, pretending to be the mommy to the kitty, oh and she threw in some artistic coloring time in there as well in her Veggie Tales coloring book. So, we topped off the end of a near-perfect day with some Coldstone ice cream (with a gift card, no-less) on the way home from the game. Then the kids got on their jammies, brushed their teeth, read some stories, prayed and crawled quietly into their respective beds with not another peep to be heard.

I wanted to document this day so I can re-read it frequently throughout the summer and remember how dreamy my kids can be!

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