Monday, January 31, 2011

5 months

Grady is now at the 5 month mark!

Five month facts:
*rolling from back to tummy every single time I lay him on his back but gets frustrated that he can't get back over to his back once on his tummy
*eating cereal twice a day and just tried his first veggie this week: squash! eating it pretty well
*starting to sit up: really well with the boppy around him, for a few seconds without support
*sleeping from 8p-8a with a feeding usually around 5a, but still experimenting with his schedule to try to get rid of those occasional wake-ups for the paci throughout the night.
*taking three naps a day now: after each day time feeding and then we keep him up until bedtime after his dinner time feeding.
*laughs the most for mommy and second-most for Drake
*eyes are still very blue so I'm hoping they will stay that way!
*still has a ridiculous amount of hair, but has a small bald-ish spot on the side but has enough hair for a combover to cover it.
*weighing in at 20lbs 4 oz...holy smokes, this kid is a beast.
*can't get him to drink any formula, not that I need him to but it would be nice to know he would at least take it if necessary, but gags if you try to give him any. even tried mixing it with the real stuff, can't fool him.
*he really is a pretty easy going baby, takes life of keeping up with two big siblings in stride and is very portable and goes with the flow. (example: last week Gabe and I went to a visitation that had a 2 hour line of waiting and we just had Grady with us. He hardly made a peep the whole time! Was content to just chew on his hands and be passed back and forth between us. Several people in the line commented on how amazing he was to last that long, especially since it went past his bedtime!)

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