Friday, January 28, 2011

Rolling and Reading

It's been a big week around here! Grady is officially rolling and rolls from back to tummy nearly every time he is on the floor. Neither of the older two were big rollers. They didn't really become very mobile until they were crawling at about 8 months. Not sure if I'll be able to say the same about Grady. He hasn't rolled from tummy to back yet though so we're still safe for a while at least. Here he is in action:

***And the sleep update is...Grady is sleeping all night most nights!! It took a few weeks (yeah, those who say it only take a few nights of CIO to get your baby to sleep, they're wrong!) of making the babe s t r e t c h out that night time feeding and trying a few different things but most nights he is sleeping from 8pm-5am (eats at 5) then back to sleep until about 8 or 8:30am. I will take it after the last few months of interrupted sleep! ***

And in other big news...Hadley is catching on to reading. Not that she is ready for books yet, but she is doing great at sounding out small words. This girl amazes me. I can't believe how quickly she catches on to things. Grammy had started working with her last week with some letter cards we have and since then we've been practicing several times a week. She loves doing it and gets so proud of herself! Here are a couple of shots of her in action:

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