Thursday, August 28, 2008

Full of Hot Air

Last weekend we headed to Lincoln to watch the Hot Air Balloon Festival and peruse the Art Fair. It had been years since Gabe and I had been back in town for this weekend. Even though we never got to actually see the balloons in the air, we had a really great time. We got to catch up with several different friends and stay at Grammy's B&B. We did go walk through the airport to see the hot air balloon glow and got to eat a yummy funnel cake!
We also took some family pics at a park in Lincoln one evening (see the new profile picture: trying to get 4 people smiling and with eyes open is no easy task!) and headed to Kickapoo Park to another night to throw rocks in the creek, look at flowers and play on the swings. This night was topped off with some delicious ice cream at Dairy Queen! All in all, we had a great weekend!
This week has been fairly run of the mill around here, except that Gabe was gone to a staff retreat for a few days so Grammy came over to keep us company (and to teach me how to make meatloaf- I love her meatloaf!) We did make a couple of trips out of the house: over to the new Super Wal-Mart to load up on groceries for all of my new cooking ventures, out to lunch at IHOP with Grammy: both trips consisted of lots of driving around town and taking the longest route possible in my attempt to learn my way around town. (I think I'll go back to using Google Maps before I leave the house.)
Tonight, I made my first attempt at a workout in a REALLY long time. I headed over to the church for high-impact aerobics. WOW- I haven't worked that many muslces in a LONG time and I'm scared about getting up in the morning. Luckily, it is Gabe's day off so if I can't make it down the stairs, he can help!:)

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