Sunday, March 21, 2010


Teeth are quickly being lost around here! Last night Drake was getting ready to get in the bath and was having a hard time getting his tight-necked shirt over his head, so I gave it a good yank and with the shirt, came his front tooth! It had been wiggly for weeks but had really become flexible this last week. It bled a little bit but Drake handled it well! Can't believe my little guy has lost 3 teeth already!

After the kids got out of the bath, we (the kids and I, Gabe was at a church event) watched home videos starting from when Drake was a baby. It was such a fun trip down memory lane and doesn't seem possible that we will have a 6 year old this summer! Wow, has time flown. So thankful for my family, the journey we have traveled, even the hard times, because it has helped us grow together and appreciate each other that much more.

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