Thursday, November 6, 2008

Leaves and Pizza

The leaves were getting a little out of control and I knew yesterday was going to be the last fabulous day to do anything about them for awhile. Of course, with the time change and it getting dark earlier, I knew afternoon was going to be my only shot at it. So, Drake was perfectly content to play in the backyard while I mowed/mulched the leaves. Hadley, however, really does not like the mower. So, I either have to hold her while I'm mowing or watch her cry on the deck the whole time I mow. I decided I would try holding her this time and mowed about half the backyard with her on my hip, mowing one-handed. Then, my arm couldn't take it anymore, so I put her in a chair on the deck with her baby and she soon fell asleep to the hum of the mower. I couldn't believe it, she rarely falls asleep anywhere but her bed. I had Drake run in and get the camera so I didn't have to shut off the mower, for fear of waking her up.

Then, later in the afternoon we got a call from some good friends who were coming over for a surprise visit AND they were bringing the fixings for homemade pizza! We had some yum-0 pizza and fun conversation while we waited for Gabe to get home from his late night at work. He got home around 7:30 and then we stayed up late talking and laughing while the kiddos snoozed away.

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