Monday, November 17, 2008


Last night Drake had his first debut here at West Side. The preschool choir "Joyful Noise" sang several songs before the Children's Musical that the Elementary kids performed. Drake did a great job and even sang loud enough for us to hear him!

In other performance news, Hadley had quite a performance this morning. For a couple of months now, we've been sitting on the potty before bath time and a few times she has gone, but always provoked by me. Well, this morning, we were having a relaxed morning of reading books on the floor in her room while Drake was at preschool. I had the potty chair sitting in her room. I started to get her dressed but she was distracted after just the undressing part, so she and I were sitting in her room for probably 45 minutes diaperless. She would periodically go sit on the potty, but with no production. Well, I stepped out of the room for about 2 minutes and she came into the kitchen, carrying a new diaper and saying "poopy!". I said, "Hadley, did you go poopy?" She said "uh,huh", so I asked her to show me where, fully expecting a mess on the floor. When we got to her room, she took me over to her potty chair lifted up the lid and to my SHOCK!, there was potty inside the potty chair! I wasn't planning to start fully potty training yet but maybe I shouldn't pass up her interest! I'll spare you the picture of the insides of the potty chair! :)

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