Tuesday, February 3, 2009


We had a fun day today with getting to meet Hannah for the first time! Hannah belongs to Tim and Liz (Gabe's cousin and her husband). Hannah made a surprise entrance at the very end of the year, a month early and she is SO cute! Hannah, at one month still weighs less than Hadley at birth but she is growing like a weed from when she was born. Hannah and Liz made their way up for a visit this morning and to do some 2nd hand shopping. Drake got to go play at a friends house while we had a girls day eating out for lunch (Thanks to Hannah's Gwanny!) and hitting some good deals at the 2nd hand stores. Hadley called her "baby" all day until 5 minutes AFTER they left and then she has walked around all evening saying "Hannah, bye-bye". As soon as Gabe walked in from work her first words to him were, "Hannah go bye-bye". Hannah was such a good baby all day and just peacefully sat in her seat most of the day while Hadley was a pretty well behaved toddler as well. All in all, it was a fun girls day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great day of fun. I hadn't heard that Liz had the baby early. Soooo glad that Mom and Baby are doing well.
Love to all!!

Deb G