Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Curious George

I recently found out that our Barnes & Noble has a storytime in the kids area on Wednesday mornings. So, last week we went for the first time and found out that this week there would be a special guest. This morning we rushed to get ready by 11:00 am ( have I mentioned I love staying home?) and head to B&N. We got there in time to hear some Curious George stories and meet the big "ooh-ahh" (as Hadley would say) himself. Hadley loved him from a distance but wasn't so sure about him up-close. Drake (for the first time in his life!!) was comfortable enough to go up and give him a high-five and even sat down and colored next to him for awhile. Then, it was such a beautiful day, we went and had a picnic at the park and burned off some energy in the sunshine.

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