Friday, April 3, 2009


Today, we took full advantage of Gabe's day off! We started off the morning with a late breakfast at the ever-classy Denny's (per Drake's request for the alien pancakes!). Then, we made a quick trip to Hobby Lobby to pick up a few supplies for our next project of the day. After that, we headed home to start an art project. The kids suited up while Gabe and I got the supplies ready. Since we had recently painted our living room, we wanted to have the kids help with the new decor. So, here are a few shots of their progress and then the finished project. (We did steal some of the ideas for the art project from an episode of this show. :)


Kara said...

So cute. You need to "sign" the artwork for the kids, so when they are famous someday these can be auctioned off to pay for your villa in the Alps.

Tim and Liz Casey said...

Love the art work!!! The kids did a great job! Hope things are going well up your way. We should try to get together some free Saturday.

Jacki said...

The pictures look awesome! What great idea!