Sunday, April 26, 2009

Steal of Deal!

Kara and I ran to a few garage sales today and found this AMAZING deal! Now that Drake is doing a great job riding with no training wheels and his legs are getting too long for his little bike, I had been wanting to get him a bigger bike. I told a friend of mine what I had been looking for since I knew she was also an avid garage sale-er. We actually met at one garage sale and she said she would let me know if she found a bike. Well, a few minutes later, I got THE call. She was just down the road from the sale we were at and had found a bike for FIVE DOLLARS!! It's in great shape and the perfect size. Drake has been having a blast riding it and he has only a few more scrapes and scratches. The bike riding season has just begun so I'm sure there are lots more ouchies to come! (I'm having a hard time uploading a picture, so that will have to come later!)

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