Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Since Gabe had a very early morning at the church this morning, we waited until after church to take part in Easter festivities at our house. As soon as Gabe got home, Grammy, Uncle Chad, Uncle Eric, Sarah, the kids and I had the food ready and were ready to eat. So, after devouring some scrumptious food, we headed outside for a quick egg hunt. Hadley got to find the purple and pink eggs and Drake found the green and blue eggs. One special egg held a special treat- the one with the red hershey kiss would win a special prize. Drake won the special prize and he was OH SOO excited! He has been begging for a new scooter for weeks, probably months. He decided he had outgrown his toddler three wheeled scooter and was ready for a big-kid two wheeled scooter. Here is his face when he realized what the special prize was:
This was followed by lots of jumping up and down and squealing lots of words we couldn't understand! They also each got a bag with some goodies in it and of course some candy. Right now they are all laying down- either napping or in a sugar-induced coma, not sure which. Here is our new family, with the scooter now being a part of it.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I know that Drake told me at least 387 times that he was ready for a 2 wheel scooter. Very glad that he got what he wanted for Easter...