Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Big Girl

So many things have happened this week to our ever-changing big girl! One big milestone we have passed is giving up the paci. Monday, I took it away at nap time, which resulted in about an hour of crying and/or pleading. I reminded her that she is a big girl now and doesn't need the paci anymore and we needed to give them to babies. She said, during one of the many times she called me back into her room, "NO give them to babies, give them to ME!" Finally, after almost an hour, she called me back in AGAIN and this time said, "You can go get my big girl present ready now." It was like she was telling me that she was giving in and ready to go to sleep now. Then, I didn't hear from her again for 2 1/2 hours. Bed time went amazingly well that night, only asked for the paci once and then conked right out.

Another big milestone Hadley has accomplished this week is drawing. She loves drawing faces and is getting really good at it ( I mean, for a 2 year old). She also attempted to write her name today. Here is a picture of her progress.

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