Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas, take 3

(pictures to come..)

After a short night of sleep, we got up early and headed down to visit the Sugars. We got there just after they had lost power and had to move the traditional Christmas brunch to a cousin's house that did have power. It was nice to arrive to a warm house, a hot breakfast, and lots of welcoming hugs. After eating, we headed over to Sugar's house to let the kids play. That evening we headed over to another cousin's house for Christmas dinner complete with appetizers, turkey, ham, green bean casserole, corn, etc..etc... makes my mouth water just thinking about it again. After dinner, Drake pulled a classic Drake. Kiersten (6), Drake(5), Blake (7) and Hadley (2) were all playing in Kiersten's room and getting along very well. Kiersten was showing my kids all of the things in her room that she uses to take care of her pet kitten, including the litter box. Drake proceeded to throw up all over her bed when she pulled out the scoop with some "product" from the litter box. Nice. So, Kiersten came in and told us that Drake had just puked. When I went in there, Drake started gagging again just while Kiersten was telling me what happened. Oh, my poor, weak-stomached boy. I feel sorry for his wife someday as I foresee diaper-changing being a hard task for him.

After dinner and puke clean-up, we headed to a hotel for the night. We got there in time for 15 minutes of swimming before the pool closed but also made it down for more swimming in the morning before heading back over to Sugar's to visit.

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