Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas, take 1

We really spread out the Christmas celebration this year. We started off with an early celebration with the Farwell side. We spent the evening at Grammy's house on Monday, complete with pizza and lots of conversations by the fire place. We had brunch on Tuesday, Christmas dinner that evening followed by the chaos of opening presents. Drake loved his new skateboard from Grammy and Hadley's most common statement as soon as she would open a present was "I love this present!". She got decked out with a Snow White costume, movie, and doll and she was also super excited about the movie "Wizard of Oz" from Grammy. This is one of her favorite movies since she and Drake and the cousins got to dress up as the characters for Halloween. Now, everytime she sees a lion on anything, she says "There's Annabeth!"
(pictures to come..)

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