Saturday, December 12, 2009

Merry Christmas, consider yourself “Card-ed”

Well, I don't think many Christmas cards are actually going to happen this year, so consider this your Christmas Card...

Our year, for a change, did not include too many transitions, as the last several years have for our family. We continue to serve at West Side, where Gabe loves using his creative abilities in the worship and technical arts department. His main responsibilities include stage design, creating video elements for the services, worship planning, lighting elements and he even has gotten to speak a couple of times, including one Sunday morning sermon. (Which he did great at, as well!)
I guess I did have a little transition this year as far as work goes. In August I was at the dentist office getting some fillings and my dentist offered me job. Seriously. He was looking for someone to work one day every other week, assisting an endodontist that would be commuting to his office. After some serious consideration, we decided it would be a nice financial perk (seeing as I don't seem to have the best teeth in the world and they were starting to cost us a lot of money) since we would get a discount on dental services plus a little money each month to help with our expenses. It works out nicely with two of my friends each watching Hadley one day a month. I am really enjoying it and the days really go by quickly as they are packed with patients.
Drake's transition this year was starting full time school. As some of you may know, this was a grueling decision for Gabe and I. Drake has such a late birthday (July) that we really debated whether or not to send him to Kindergarten this year. Then, we also had the big decision of public or private school. There is a Christian school attached to the church where Gabe works. Finally, when it came down to the wire, we decided to try it. So, in August, we packed our little boy's bag and took him to his first day of Kindergarten in the public school. It was by far, harder on me than on him. He was so excited to go and had no reservations about us leaving him there. He has done amazingly well. He has far exceeded my thoughts and fears about the school year. He is doing great learning how to read, loves going to school every day and seems to be maturing by the minute. I just can't get over how far he has come this year.
Hadley is our little beauty with an attitude. She is quite the talker and she definitely knows what she wants and is not afraid to get it, or at least try to get it. She continues to amaze me every day with how much she is learning and growing up. She loves to play with dolls and is really getting into pretending. She just went through some transitions in the last couple of months. She now has a big girl bed and also gave up her beloved paci. Both have gone much better than anticipated. She has adjusted really well.
One great memory for our family this year was going on a family vacation with the whole Rutledge family. In May, Gabe's parents took us all to Florida where we stayed in their condo for a few days and then we all got on the glorious Disney Wonder cruise ship. It was a great trip with family and I would definitely recommend a Disney cruise for any family with kids. The kids had a blast, the shows were great and the atmosphere is so family friendly. What precious memories.
We are looking forward to another great year in 2010 and the blessings God has in store for our family. May God bless you and yours as well!

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